The day I’ve chosen to live a moment
I stopped dreaming
Seeking the way out to my-Self
The future did not make sense
And the Past has driven me away from the feeling
Created obnoxiously in my head
“I am missing the Life”
Dark thoughts began creeping into my Mind
Saying out loud
You are not worthwhile
You are not enough
Jealousy, Competition, inflicted pain and its infliction on others
The Lost Paradise …
The day I stopped dreaming
Dwelling deeply in the childhood memories
Dreaming of the unknown future I allowed
Life to knock at my door
The dance of aliveness began
The fleeting, impermanent, misery life was formless
And I was not the dancer anymore
Just the dance
The instrument, playing out the oneness, the emptiness, the not knowing
I began to live in the present moment.
Darya is graduating in a Master of Middle Eastern studies, at Hebrew University.